Thursday, March 17, 2005

hello world

I've had a blog of sorts on and off since 1998, when they weren't called blogs. I used to link to websites, post random photos, thoughts, and ideas on my "blog". Thinking back, it's already been 7 years since then. Ebay went public in Nov 1998. AOL purchased Netscape Communications Corp in Nov 1998. The purchase was an exchnge of AOL shares for $4.2 billion of Netscape stock. AOL was still its own company until it merged with Time Warner in January 2000 for $124 billion. Things were moving so fast. Someone got filthy rich. It sure wasn't me. I was too busy focusing on school and getting a graduate degree. Back then, people were just getting used to email. I regularly used it at school starting in 1993 until I graduated in 1995. Back then it was a terminal interface using Lynx and mail. No webmail, no pop email service, no attachments. It was simple. I found out how to spoof my email so I could send fake emails to trick my friends into thinking that a hot girl had emailed them. There were no security rules. Of course now, technology seems to have matured. The foundations have been set and real use of technology will be seen in our personal lives and in business. I'm looking forward to see what's next. Can't wait for the future. -reigai


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